Keeping Your UIL Invitationals Confidential

Keeping Your UIL Invitationals Confidential

Published by orders(at) on 8th Jan 2019

If you are buying UIL invitationals from Hexco for hosting a meet, you will notice that each test is assigned to a specific date. This is the official test date. Our "official test dates" are much like the SAT, or other similar confidential tests, and anyone purchasing these tests should protect students from seeing the actual invitational until the day of the official meet.


At times we run into challenges with schools who elect to host meets on unofficial or 'off' dates. We communicate thoroughly with any school who purchases tests and decides to host a meet on an off date. This communication can be found on our website, in our UIL brochure, in emails, and on a shared Google Sheets document. If a visiting student says, "I've already seen this test," unfortunately, this is likely due to poor communication of the part of the purchasing school with the schools attending. Hexco is very clear and consistent with those who purchase tests for use on non-Hexco test dates.

To assure confidentiality and fairness, always use our official test dates when ordering if at all possible.

For years, Hexco has worked hard at publishing our official test dates early so you can plan ahead. The dates are updated here in the summer months before school begins.


Most of the schools who purchase tests from Hexco understand the nature of official test dates and use our official invitational schedule--but not all! So, if you're an attending school and want to make sure that your students have not already seen a test they are about to take, just ask the hosting school which Hexco tests they are using and compare them with the official dates that are found on our website. All of our tests are clearly marked Fall or Spring and as A, B, C, D, E, or F. This is important to know, because if your team attended a meet that used the same test that they are about to see again, you will save yourself a trip as well as an ethical dilemma.

In summary, while we're happy to sell you tests to use after our official test dates, you, as the host school, risk that the test you are buying has already been seen by attending schools. Please make sure that all attending have not seen or taken any of the tests you will use.

Good luck with your meet, and please spread the word about good communication regarding the use of official Hexco tests!