Largest Challenging Set of Spelling Words for High Level Bees
To see the type of words found in this product, click here: Sample of words found in New Nat's Notes eMentor. (Vol. 3 shown is for demo purposes only; this product is not printed but rather in an online format!)
New Nat's Notes eMentor is the online and updated version of New Nat's Notes which helps students master all the words in New Nat's Notes! With 18,000+ words, New Nat's Notes is our largest challenging set of words geared toward those aiming for the highest levels of spelling competition. All words have pronunciations, definitions, and expanded etymology. New Nat's Notes is highly recommended for those who have already mastered Verbomania. This one-of-a-kind spelling mastery portal was engineered by Hexco and has an attractive and responsive online interface combined with state-of-the-art memory capabilities. It is excellent for those who want to learn a large number of words quickly and efficiently. This product was updated in 2018 to reflect the changes in the online dictionary and is recommended over the printed version for this reason. Not sure what to choose? View this video showing some of our customer favorites in the National Spelling Bee category. Click here to read about the history of New Nat's Notes and the National Spelling Bee.
Learn how the National Spelling Bee champions made it to the top by using Hexco spelling bee products!
SAVE MONEY: If you purchase ALL volumes of New Nat's Notes eMentor at one time, you can renew your subscription the following year at 50% off if you re-subscribe within 30 days of the product's expiration date. Please use our contact form to get a renewal discount code.
Try the FREE Spelling eMentor demo to learn more about our online platform!
- Each Spelling eMentor saves missed words until all words are mastered.
- It also saves results when you log in and log out and keeps track of your progress.
- Audio, phonetic pronunciations, word origins, and definitions are included.
- Select "All Words Ever Missed" to make sure you never miss those words again.
- Perfect "All Words Missed on the Last Attempt" to master each list. (Note that this means your last attempt at the word.)
- "Star" words that you want to study again. (Note that you can "unstar" words at any time.)
- Ask for the next letter in a word.
- Ask to show the whole word if you don't know how to spell a word.
- Attempt all words in any set at any time to continue perfecting your spelling.
- Type and click "enter" to quickly test yourself without depending on a mouse to move forward.
- Each eMentor product is browser-based and tracks progress for one user.
- All eMentors are accessible from any browser on a PC or Mac computer and mobile device.
- This product is subscription-based and is good for one year from the date of your purchase.
WORD COUNT: 4,500 per volume / 18,000 words total
LEVEL: Advanced to Expert
Orders are processed M-F from 9:00am-3:00pm. Please check your email for login information after you order. If you have signed up for our free sample, the product you have purchased will be added to that account unless a different email address is provided.
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